Austin Psychiatrist

4 Tips to Manage ADHD

ADD is not a blanket term for a multitude of common behavior or a pseudo ailment, contrary to popular belief. Scientists have been able link ADD to dysfunctional neurological responses in people with this disorder.

Also known as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), this condition affects an extremely small number of children (8-10 percent), and may also affect adults who were not diagnosed at a young age.

ADD/ADHD can often be seen in both adult and child sufferers.

- Trouble focusing

- Hyperactivity and inability for a person to remain still

- Inadequate social interaction

- Inresponsible behavior

- Moody and insulting

- Extremely forgetful

There are some people who believe that ADD/ADHD symptoms cannot be controlled by will power. PET and CAT scans reveal circuitry abnormalities and decreased metabolic activity in the brain area responsible for our basic emotions and reactions. The brain is severely deficient in the neurotransmitter Dopamine.

Parents often avoid asking for a diagnosis, while mature men and women hide their impairment. This only serves to worsen the problem and could lead to clinical depressive disorder.

Individuals with ADD should not be ashamed of their condition.

Adults and children suffering from ADD/ADHD should seek out an experienced ADD physician for evaluation. The ADHD doctor will run a series of diagnostic tests which will enable them to make an informed decision about the condition and help with regulation.

You can do a lot once you have been diagnosed.

1. Stimulants can be used to correct malfunctioning or slowing down of neurons. Many people are prescribed psychostimulants for ADD/ADHD such as Ritalin (for children) and amphetamines (for adults).

2. Self-management - This aspect may seem a little easier for adults, but parents can help children in this area. It is possible to manage some of the more difficult aspects of the disorder by taking small steps like creating a to do list, getting a planner or organizer, or making sure you arrive at your destination on time.

3. Talk to ADHD doctor – your ADHD Psychiatrist Austin TX can give you a wealth of information that will assist you in controlling your ADD symptoms. Ask lots and ask questions. Then, take the information you have learned to the internet for further research. Knowledge is power.

4. ADHD support Groups & Behavioral Therapy - A meeting for ADHD sufferers can offer valuable insights and support from other people who have been through this difficult neurological issue. A variety of holistic treatments and dietary aids can be used to help you manage some of the more difficult aspects of your ADD. Behavioral therapy can also provide one-on-1 counseling. A qualified therapist who is familiar with ADD/ADHD psychology will help you retrain and retrain how your mind works. This will enable you to recognize your ADD symptoms, and teach you how to manage them.

Combating ADD is a complex process that requires a multi-pronged approach. However, with education and diligence, you should be able gain control of the disorder and take more control over your life. If you think you might have ADD/ADHD, contact a reputable ADHD Doctors Austin TX to have your condition evaluated.

ADHD Psychiatrist Austin TX doctor provides solutions for dealing with Attention Deficit Disorder.

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